FAQs – Covid-19

In the face of the Coronavirus pandemic we are aware that you may have some questions around how this may impact your project or the support provided by the Low Carbon Dorset programme – please find below a list of FAQs we have put together to answer some of these queries.

If you can’t find the answer to your question below please do get in touch with us by email or phone (01305 224261).

Applications for support from the Low Carbon Dorset programme are still being processed and actioned as normal.  Where a site-visit from one of our technical officers is needed you will be contacted to talk through the options, these will be assessed on a client-by-client basis in line with the current guidance being provided by the Government.

If you have any queries or would like to discuss your application please contact the team by email lowcarbondorset@dorsetcouncil.gov.uk or phone 01305 224261.

We understand that the impacts of Covid-19 could cause unexpected delays to project timelines.  It’s really important that you let us know as soon as possible if you think your project will be delayed.

We also need to be notified if you plan to change any aspect of the project as a result of the impact of Covid-19 (e.g/ a change in the installer, or the scale of the project). If we are not notified before any changes are made this could affect the claiming of your grant.

You can notify us of any changes or delays to your project by emailing lowcarbondorset@dorsetcouncil.gov.uk or by phoning us on 01305 224261.

We are following current advice being provided by the Government and in some cases this may result in postponing or cancelling site visits.  Where this is the case alternatives will be explored, for example this may include virtual site tours.  These alternatives will be discussed with you by the technical officer assigned to your project.

If you have any queries about upcoming visits or meetings arranged please contact lowcarbondorset@dorsetcouncil.gov.uk or phone 01305 224261.

The Low Carbon Dorset programme is still receiving and processing applications for support as normal.  If you would like to apply for support please follow the usual channels and first submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) through our online form:  https://www.lowcarbondorset.org.uk/apply/

Once you have submitted your EOI the eligibility of your project and organisation will be checked by the team.  When  eligibility has been confirmed a member of the team will be in touch to discuss how we can best support you.

If you have any questions about your application in the meantime please do get in touch.

FAQs – General

Need some general info on Low Carbon Dorset? Please find a list of our most frequently asked questions below.

To receive support from Low Carbon Dorset, your organisation must be located within Dorset, Bournemouth or Poole, and must be one of the following –

• A Small or Medium Sized Enterprise (SME).

• A public funded organisation/body such as a local Authority, higher and further educational institution,  housing association or other publically funded organisation.

• A legally constituted voluntary or community organisations or a registered charity.

Find more information on the types of projects eligible for support on the We Support page.

To apply for support from Low Carbon Dorset please complete our Expression of Interest form, found on the Apply page.

If you’re not sure what to do next please get in touch. Our team of carbon reduction experts are on hand to support you, and guide you and your project in the right direction.

The costs incurred to obtain planning permission for your project cannot be funded by the Low Carbon Dorset fund.  However, our Technical Delivery Team may be able to provide advice and guidance with gaining planning permission.

This Programme is supported by European Regional Development Fund, it must therefore comply with State Aid Rules.  When you apply for support through Low Carbon Dorset we will need to agree with you whether the support is state aid, and if so the most appropriate state aid route.

As part of the application process for technical support and grant funding you will be required to provide information about your organisation and to complete a State Aid declaration.  Our Programme Team will then assess this and agree with you the most appropriate state aid route.

We will provide some guidance on state aid to help you, but it is your responsibility to ensure you understand the rules and implications for state aid.

At the end of your project we will provide you with a letter for your records setting out what value of state aid you have received through Low Carbon Dorset.

Grants have been available to help organisations deliver renewable energy and energy efficiency projects. Typically, these grants have covered up to 40% of project costs depending on the type of project and organisation applying. For example:

• Up to £7,500 for energy efficiency measures (SMEs only)

• Up to £40,000 for low carbon projects (all organisations)

• Up to £250,000 for complex projects, but limited by the rules on state aid (public and business organisations only).

For illustration, if your total project cost is £10,000, and we have agreed a grant at 40% intervention rate, you will pay the total (£10,000) and claim a ‘cash back’ grant of £4,000 (40%). In this example your contribution will therefore be £6,000 (60%).

We can’t support agriculture and activities that are directly related to primary processing (for example, purchasing equipment to fell and process timber into woodchip) as these are covered by other European Funding programmes.

The overall programme aims are to –

• Accelerate the deployment of energy efficiency, renewable energy and other technologies and approaches to reduce carbon emissions.

• Stimulate and demonstrate innovation.

• Support different types of low carbon projects and approaches within the Community, Public and Business Sectors.

• Support Biomass technologies as a key renewable energy technology for Dorset with wider benefits and potential for economic growth.

Approved grants will be payable on a ‘Cash Back’ basis, for an agreed proportion of your total project costs. Payment can only be made after completion of your project. We will agree with you the grant contribution to your project through a Grant Agreement Letter. You will therefore need to contribute the remaining proportion of the costs of your project.

By December 2022 Low Carbon Dorset plans to –

• Support over 220 businesses to reduce energy and utilise renewable energy technologies,

• Increase Dorset’s renewable energy capacity by at least 7.9 Mega Watts

• Reduce energy consumption in public sector buildings by 1.8 Giga Watt Hours /year

• Reduce Dorset’s carbon footprint by 7,204 tonnes Carbon Dioxide /year

• Encourage development of at least 8 new low carbon products or applications

The following costs can be covered by the Low Carbon Dorset Fund:

• Contractors and consultants procured to undertake reasonable project activities.

• Equipment and machinery related to installing energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies

• Costs related to Installation, commissioning and associated works

Yes. All projects must be completed by December 2022 in order to be eligible for support.

Our EU-funded grant pot has now closed, but we continue to offer free technical advice to eligible organisations. Our technical officers’ recommendations can be very helpful as you plan your project, explore alternative funding options and consider potential financial paybacks.

We are still working hard to find future funding for our programme, please see our News page for the latest updates on free technical advice and work to secure a future grant pot.

In the meantime, we continue to welcome Expressions of Interest from organisations in Dorset and BCP, hearing about your low-carbon project ideas helps us understand demand and make the case for new funding.

No, the programme does not keep a list of preferred suppliers, and cannot recommend any suppliers.  However, there are a whole host of ways suppliers and installers of low carbon products/technologies can get involved in the programme.

If you are a supplier or installer based in Dorset check out our Opportunities page for a list of projects currently seeking quotes.

You can also find more info on the other ways you can get involved in our Suppliers’ Information Pack.

Yes a grant from Low Carbon Dorset is funding of last resort.  This means that all grant applicants must demonstrate why their project could not be funded through other routes.

Yes, for more information on use of cookies on this website and how we collect, use and store information please read our Privacy Policy in full here: https://www.lowcarbondorset.org.uk/privacy-policy/

It is very important that you notify us of any changes to your project before they happen.  Failure to notify us of changes may affect the amount of grant you can claim.

You can let us know of any changes by emailing lowcarbondorset@dorsetcouncil.gov.uk or phone 01305 224261.

We have put together a short guide outlining what you will need to do to claim your grant from Low Carbon Dorset and the supporting evidence you will need to provide along with this claim: https://www.lowcarbondorset.org.uk/lcd_paying-invoices-submitting-your-claim/ 

We are now getting close to the end of our five-year EU funded programme, and it’s grant pot has now closed, but free technical advice will continue until the end of March 2023 as part of this current Low Carbon Dorset offer.

However, Dorset Council have recently secured some funding to continue offering our energy efficiency and renewable energy advice beyond March 2023, for SMEs and community groups in the Dorset Council area. We will share more details on how to access this support soon.

In the meantime, we continue to welcome Expressions of Interest from organisations in Dorset and BCP, and hearing about your low-carbon project ideas helps us understand demand and make the case for new funding. We are still working hard to find future funding for a grant pot to sit alongside our technical advice. Stay connected for updates!

Still haven’t found what you are looking for? Please get in touch with the team and we will help where we can.

What’s on offer?

Click here to see what support is available to your organisation

Case studies

Click here to see how other people have lowered their carbon usage, or contribute your own project.


Click here to fill out an online form for more information and start the low-carbon ball rolling.

Latest Facebook Posts

Low Carbon Dorset
Low Carbon Dorset4 weeks ago
Our touring photo exhibition is now on display at Sherborne Abbey 🙌
Pop along to find out how the Abbey, and other local organisations, are taking steps to cut emissions and become more sustainable.

Find more info on the Dorset Council website 👉https://www.dorsetcouncil.gov.uk/w/our-journey-to-net-zero
Low Carbon Dorset
Low Carbon Dorset
Low Carbon Dorset2 months ago
Over the last 15 years, the community at Hilfield Friary in Dorchester have been working hard to make their land and buildings more climate friendly.

A grant from Low Carbon Dorset for solar panels has helped the community get even closer to their net zero goals.

You can find out more about the project and the motivations behind it in our touring photo exhibition, now on display at Durlston Country Park.

Low Carbon Dorset
Low Carbon Dorset
Low Carbon Dorset2 months ago
It’s great to be able to support organisations like Sherborne Museum become more sustainable. Well done to all involved in the project 👏 Taking steps to become more energy efficient can have a huge impact on your carbon footprint and your energy bills!

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County Hall, Colliton Park, Dorchester, DT1 1XJ

Photography on this site (c) DCC / Rosie Mathisen / Mark Heighes / Dave Penman / Andy Lyons / Gillian Thomas / Darren McCall

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